This makes duplicate pieces much more unlikely, but doesn't guarantee the appearance of any piece. History based random Some games don't use a bag, and instead roll a number from 1 to 7, but reroll up to a certain number of times (usually 4 or 6) if the piece is one you have seen recently (usually within the last 4). This system allows for much more repetition of pieces than a single bag system, while still ensuring that the number of appearances for each piece is more or less statistically equal. All three bags must be emptied (21 pieces) before the system resets itself and places all seven pieces back in each of the three bags to be selected over again. For example, in a three bag system, all seven pieces are present in all three bags. Multiple bags random A multiple bag system works almost identically to a single bag system, except that more than one bag of seven pieces is available for selection. The worst case scenario for the number of turns you must wait for any one particular piece is thirteen pieces. This ensures every piece will appear at least once for every seven pieces that you are given. Then the pieces are placed back in that "bag" and selected at random again. Single bag random In a single bag random system, all seven pieces are placed in a "bag" and presented to you at random, until all of the pieces have been selected.

Although in the long run, the presentation of pieces are statistically equal, it is possible to get into situations where one particular piece is presented more often throughout an individual game than any other. Purely random A purely random system picks a number from 1 to 7 every time, and presents you with whatever piece is chosen, regardless of anything, including how often that piece has been presented in the past. But there are actually a variety of random systems which different versions of Tetris employ to present these pieces to you. The order in which the pieces appear throughout your game is fairly random.